Hi, I’m Kim Farnan.

I am an Energy Healer from Philadelphia and the creator of Sevnhana.

Like many I have experienced high levels of stress, bouts of depression and times of feeling lost in life. In the past the only tool I knew of was using exercise as a coping mechanism. I became a dedicated runner and asana practitioner as a way to fight through my lows in life. Although movement is a great way to release stress and emotions in the body its not always accessible. I also found that I was not actually healing my inner wounds, just covering up the feelings.

When I first experienced energy healing I went into a deep state of calm and meditation that I had never experienced before. I was able to connect with a place deep within myself while simultaneously disconnecting from my body and mind. I came out of my first session with an emotional release of tears and the physical sensation that the stress had melted away from my body. I began utilizing Sound Baths and Reiki on my healing journey from then on and still rely on them to reset and recharge.

Both Reiki and Sound Healing assist in moving energy through the body without actually moving the body. They are accessible for all and can range anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour depending on the time you have available. They can also facilitate connection within, leading to long term healing.

I lead monthly meditations and offer small group and one to one healing sessions. My approach is accessible and grounded. I offer “Healing For All”, so whether you are an advanced meditator or you have never meditated, you are welcome and encouraged to experience what a Sound Bath meditation or Reiki session can offer you.

I want to share the beauty of Energy Healing with you and help you on your own journey towards peace.